Plein Air Work on Haida Gwaii
Plein Air Work on Haida Gwaii

January 14, 2024 | Art

Artists in Gwaii Haanas
Artists in Gwaii Haanas

August 18, 2018 | InSlide


November 4, 2017 | InSlide

16 x 20. watercolour, 2017. This image was inspired by an Artist in Residence trip to Gwaii Haanas in the Summer of 2017. Leaning over the boat, I was mesmerized by a giant red anemone glowing below the shimmering surface. There is a need to reacquaint . . .

Ochre Family
Ochre Family

September 27, 2015 | InSlide

This watercolour image is inspired by a visit to the west coast of Haida Gwaii. It depicts the interconnection between animal and plant and the interesting transition from high tide to low. Tidal creatures adapt to this constant change and the seconds . . .

Detail of Nebula Anemone
Detail of Nebula Anemone

September 27, 2015 | InSlide

Detail of Nebula Anemone . . .

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Liquid Skin

Liquid Skin was painted a few years ago after a low tide observation. Sketches and watercolour...

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Our Future

“Our Future” is a political image intended to raise awareness around the environmental impacts of...

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Sheila E. Karrow

Artist and teacher, Sheila Karrow lives with her two children on Haida Gwaii in British Columbia....

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